Tree and Plant Appraisal

Trees and landscape plants have value; they contribute to property value and provide services such as privacy screens, air filtration, reduction in urban temperatures and associated cooling costs, to name only a few.  

How much would it cost to reproduce or repair the trees and landscape on your property? In most cases, you will need a realistic and reasonable appraisal when pursuing insurance claims or litigation. Arc Tree Consulting can provide you with an independent, objective, appraisal opinion based on the most current industry guidance.

What Happened to my Landscape ?

Misapplication of herbicides, chemical spills, auto accidents, unauthorized tree work (pruning or removal across the property line or outside of the utility Right of Way), are just a few of the potential causes for damage or destruction of trees and plants in your landscape.  These are typically accidental and may result in insurance claims, litigation, or both.

Proactive Appraisal

Landscape trees and plants may be appraised prior to damage: as part of a tree inventory, to secure a pre-construction bond, or to value for insurance purposes.  Some plants represent value as a source of income, and may be appraised for future value such as nursery stock, timber, or orchard trees.